Innovative Kitchen Organization Solutions

Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying “A place for everything and everything in its place.” We think he’d love these kitchen organization solutions. 

With the popularity of the open-concept kitchen design, many homeowners are removing walls and, therefore, upper cabinets. Without this storage space, plates and bowls have moved to drawers. If you’re considering this design, a peg board organizer will make your kitchen far more functional. Adjustable peg placement gives you a custom fit for all of your dishes and holds them secure.

HTZ kitchen cabinet peg drawer organization

Thrusting your arm into the back of a cabinet to reach that one specific box is more than a little annoying. What’s more, it’s uncomfortable. Pullout shelves eliminate this issue and make your kitchen more functional. Often used in pantries and base cabinets, they allow easy access to items at the very back of the shelf. When installing custom cabinetry, pullout shelves can be built to any depth and finished to match the cabinetry. For semi-custom, stock cabinetry lines or retrofitting existing cabinetry, expect pullout shelves to be more basic wood or wood veneer, not the color of your cabinets.

HTZ kitchen pullout pantry shelves

Custom pullouts for cutting boards, spices, oils and more are a welcome addition next to the stove to maximize your ease of prep and cooking. Many pullouts for base cabinets can be ordered and installed on existing cabinetry, or have your kitchen designer include them in plans for a renovated space.

HTZ kitchen cabinets tray organizer

Toe kick drawers add functional storage to wasted space. It is not available to retrofit existing cabinets with this hidden storage solution, but is a great upgrade to new custom cabinetry. 

HTZ kitchen organization toe kick drawer

Drawer organizers allow you organize silverware, utensils, knives and more. There are options that can be ordered to retrofit existing cabinetry. If planning a new kitchen renovation, these are a must for incorporating into the new space! Moving utensils and knife blocks down into drawers helps you de-clutter your countertops. Appliance garages, cabinetry that sits on the counters and has doors to hide the contents, are another great way to help de-clutter your counters while keeping appliances in a convenient location. 

HTZ kitchen cabinet organization custom silverwear pullout

If you are planning a new kitchen renovation, be sure to set aside money for organizers.

Custom organizers can easily get into the thousands of dollars, so it’s important to plan them into your budget. Not all contractors or designers may suggest innovative organizers, so be sure to ask about them and talk about the organizational solutions that will make your life easier and more functional! 

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